Premium Voice

Allow customers to pay with a simple phone call to a Premium Rate Voice Number.

What is Premium Voice and how does it work?

Premium Voice is a voice-based payment method which enables customers to pay for content and services by calling Premium Rate Voice numbers. We provide both ready-made and custom voice/IVR solutions which can be easily integrated into your existing systems.

Several Billing Types

Pay-per call, pay-per minute, or the combination of both.

Easy Integration

Complete and custom Voice solutions, easily integrated with other channels.

Global Coverage

Worldwide selection of numbers, immediately ready to use.

example of premium voice service

The benefits of using Voice for payments

What Premium Voice is often used for

  • Interactive media

    Voting, quizzes

  • Entertainment

    Games, adult entertainment, astrological services

  • Consultancy

    Financial and legal services, insurance

Which market are you interested in?

See which countries support mobile payments.

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FAQ about Premium Voice

What are Premium Voice numbers most commonly used for?

Premium Rate Voice numbers are most commonly used for procesing payments in services like voting, entertainment shows, competitions (the globally popular TV show The Voice is a combination of all three), games, micropayments on websites and other services which feature voice-based billing.

How can I get started with Premium Voice?

Contact our Sales team and provide info about the content or services you would like to launch, which type of billing you are interested in (pay-per-call, or pay-per-minute), and which countries you are interested in.

Are there other types of Voice numbers?

There are also Freephone Numbers, Shared Cost Numbers/Universal Access Numbers and Local/Geographic Numbers, which we provide as well. Feel free to contact us for more info.

Why choose us as your payment provider?

Our goal is to make sure you get the most complete payment service on the market. By choosing us, you get unbeatable technical support backed by over two decades of industry experience, with deep knowledge of local markets and regulations acquired over the years.

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